Az én oldalam - Naplóm

A napló közvetlen linkje

nemtudom h volt-e már ilyen cím... de tökmindegy. szhóóóval... fizika hibátlan, ahogy majdnem mindenkinekxDDD
namosthogyha kíváncsivagy a 2 legjobb szövegre... aaakkor. olvasdel. hamegnemérted--->webforditas. ahogy érzedx]

I got Brustimplants,
payed by my boyfriends.
I got a botoxinjection under my skin,
I only play with sex, but I don't let them in! (x2)

I got fake nails, don't answer e-mails.
I am a sillicon valley walking on two legs,
what's the price of the world? I can write a check!

Cause I'm a 21st Century digital Girl,
I don't know how to love, but I live in this world.
My daddy is a workerholic millionair, my mom is on drugs,
but I don't really care!

Yeah yeah yeah yeah YEAH!

I got a pussycat,
right in my Gucci bag,
I've got a firstclass-ticket, everythings permitted,
cause I can have it all!


[Instr. solo]

[Refr. 2x]

21st Century Digital Girl,
21st Century Digital Girl,
21st Century Digital Girl,
21st Century

jaez. mert van aki ígyvanvele. szóvalérted.
a másiknak története van... megasztár4 visszahívást néztem szombaton... vagymit. ésakkor jött h az 5 legfeledhetetlenebb embner vagykixDDD ésaza sugerabugera...looool. namindegy. szóóval... asszem #1 volt Veres László (24)... "helóóóó, il ninnyó, disz tájmsz for ríl" [hátígymondta-.-] ésakkor... elkezd énekelni... "váááááááájjjjöö." loool... nézdmeg: ééés asszem 00:47-nél van. éés bejáccák az eredetit... hááát seholsincs hozzá, még a szöveg sem jóóXXD de azéé megtaláltam a neten az eredetit... hááát ígyvanez.
Why do you tell me all these lies?
I just want to live my life
I don't want to leave my dreams behind
Tell me
Why am I only getting older?
My patience getting shorter
I'm running out of time
And I hope that I get what I wanted

This time's for real
Is there anything I wanted?
Is there anything I needed?
Anything at all?

This time's for real
Is there anything I wanted?
Is there anything I needed?
Anything at all?

Why do you make me feel denied?
Always pushing me aside
You do not decide what's wrong or right
Tell me
Why am I feeling so much pressure?
Am I searching for the answer?
I'm running out of time
And I hope that I get what I wanted

This time's for real
Is there anything I wanted?
Is there anything I needed?
Anything at all?

This time's for real
Is there anything I wanted?
Is there anything I needed?
Anything at all?

This time's for real
Is there anything I wanted?
Is there anything I needed?
Anything at all?

This time's for real
Is there anything I wanted?
Is there anything I needed?
Anything at all?

Is there anything I wanted?
Is there anything I needed?
Anything at all?


Fanníííím jobbulást:)

♥Pushing Daisies♥

© Napfolt Kft. - Médiaajánlat


© Napfolt Kft. - Médiaajánlat