Az én oldalam - Naplóm

A napló közvetlen linkje


You: hello
Stranger: hello........
male here......
not horny.......
4ever alone
You: and where are you from?
Stranger: ammm i wold be nice if u wold tell something about yourself first................. europe
Stranger: f/m?
You: hhm ask something, what do you want to know?
You: f
Stranger: ha ha no u already answered....
Stranger: so how are u?
You: fine thanks u?ú
Stranger: i'm good...
You: how old r u?
Stranger: 21 and u?
You: 16
Stranger: awwwwwwwww............ i'm not pedo bear....... bye
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You: hello
Stranger: hi there
Stranger: smells like zombie in here..
You: really?
Stranger: *cock shotgun*
Stranger: what is OP?
You: no idea
You: whats ?
Stranger: then you're a zombie
Stranger: I'll have to kill ya
You: noo
You: please.
Stranger: *aiming..*
Stranger: i have no choice
Stranger: you're infected dude
You: im not
You: i've run out
You: xP
Stranger: offcourse you are...
Stranger: ..almost out of shells..
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

mi baj a magyarokkal?! o.O

You: hello
Stranger: hello
Stranger: m/f
You: f you?
Stranger: m
Stranger: from
You: Hungary
You: u?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You: hello
Stranger: hi
Stranger: i like cheese
You: me too (:
Stranger: cool
You: its an important thing but where are u from?
Stranger: i have a fetish for feet
Stranger: eng
You: f/m and how old?
Stranger: m 19
Stranger: can i have a pic of your feet?
You: of my feet?
You: o.O
Stranger: yh i have a fetish
You: have a what??? o.O
Stranger: i love feet
You: i odnt have any pictures about my feet. o.O
You: im intrested in faces.. : D
Stranger: m/f?...
You: f
Stranger: can i have a pic of ur face
Stranger: how old
You: 16
Stranger: were from
You: Budapest
Stranger: iam not really 19 i just say that iam 16 so that u wouldnt disconnect
Stranger: can i have a pic of ur face
You: hey. why should i disconnect?
You: not yet coz i dont know u
Stranger: i thought the sites slogun was talk to strangers dingbat
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

tudja valaki mi az a dingbat ?!? : D


Stranger: Oh, there you are, Perry.
You: hello
Stranger: Hey there.
Stranger: I know what we're gonna do today!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

© Napfolt Kft. - Médiaajánlat


© Napfolt Kft. - Médiaajánlat