Az én oldalam - Naplóm

A napló közvetlen linkje
Jó ha tudja az ember!!! *-*

-Don't just wish for something, make it happen!
-Don't try harder, do harder!
-Don't give up on yourself!
-If you want a friend be a friend!
-The way you give something, you gonna get back the same on that way!
-Help yourself then you can help others!
-Don't try to be someone alls than you really are!
-Nothing is impossible, you just have to find the way to do it!
-You don't have to believe everything that peoples say!
-If you trust to yourself you can trust to everyone!
-Always Tótry to give more than you planned!
-Do your best but don't do more than you can!
-If you give more than enough you not gonna get less!
-Love everyone as you love yourself!
-Never give up or never give in!
-Don't wait, go for it!
-The success always measured with effort!
-Don't just be someone, be part of the world!

© Napfolt Kft. - Médiaajánlat


© Napfolt Kft. - Médiaajánlat