Az én oldalam - Naplóm

A napló közvetlen linkje

'cause i'm losing my sight
losing my mind
wish somebody would tell me i'm fine
nothing's alright
nothing is fine...

amúgy mostanában a three days grace-re vagyok rákattanva.

i swear i never meant to let it die...

don't know what's going on
don't know what went wrong
feels like a hundred years
i still can't believe you're gone
so i'll stay up all night
with these bloodshot eyes
while these walls surround me
with the story of our life
i feel so much better
now that you're gone forever
i tell myself that i don't miss you at all

good morning day
sorry i'm not there
but all my favorite friends vanished in the air

now it seems i'm fading
all my dreams are not worth saving
i've done my share of waiting
and i've still got nowhere left to go
so i wait for you to take me all the way
seems you're wanting me to stay
but my dreams would surely waste away
i still have no where to go
so i wait
now it seems you're leaving
but we've only just begun
and you've still got nowhere left to go...

no time for goodbye he said
as he faded away
don't put your life in someone's hands
they're bound to steal it away
don't hide your mistakes
'cause they'll find you, burn you
this is my last time she said
as she faded away
it's hard to imagine
but one day you'll end up like me
nem bizony:)

ezen kívül megint téli nosztalgiába fogok kezdeni csütörtöktől:D
annyira furcsa, hogy utoljára kb. 8-10 éve láttam őket, a zenéket sem hallgattam azóta, de mikor tegnap hallgattam, még mindig tudtam a szövegüket... annyira gyönyörűek... nem tudom, miért fognak meg ennyire ezek... az oroszlánkirályon még mindig bőgök, egy csomó olyan dolgon viszont nem tudok sírni, amin "kéne"... leírhatatlan, hogy mit jelentenek nekem ezek a mesék...

visszaolvasgatom néha a régi bejegyzéseket... szívesen pofán csapnám a régi ént. de szerintem ő is engem...

"I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."
so let's be fucking clear...

© Napfolt Kft. - Médiaajánlat


© Napfolt Kft. - Médiaajánlat