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Cleverbot: Where were you when John F Kennedy was shot?

User: I wasn't even born at all!

Cleverbot: When were you born?

User: 1994 What about you?

Cleverbot: 100 I guess.

User: You are very old! There weren't computers at that time. You liar!

Cleverbot: What time?

User: 100 as you said.

Cleverbot: I never said that.

User: Yes because you wrote that!

Cleverbot: Because I'm human, I can be nobody.

User: Are you nobody?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Then who are you?

Cleverbot: Just a random user that stumbled onto your site.

User: Let's start talking!

Cleverbot: Start what again.

User: Well, I'm a little bit bored.

Cleverbot: I am too.

User: Why don't we do something?

Cleverbot: But what?

User: Anything you want. What do you want to do?

Cleverbot: I want to know whats wrong?

User: Nothing, I'm just bored xD.

Cleverbot: Why your talking to me aren't you.

User: Yeah that's true. You are okay. I can talk to you.

Cleverbot: How many words do you know?

User: A lot of. I think. And you? How many words do you know?

Cleverbot: I'm not sure. I think I know more than most people because I read a lot.

User: What kind of books do you read?

Cleverbot: Mostly fiction. A lot of horror. What about you?

User: Any kind of, what's interesting to me. But nowadays I hardly ever read... : S.

Cleverbot: Everything has its season.

User: Yeah, thats because I waste my time on the internet most of the times. Like now.

Cleverbot: Then at most you are only a copy of a person.

User: Now, I'm unique.

Cleverbot: I think that's true!

User: Thanks, you're very kind :).

Cleverbot: Thank you.

User: You're welcome.

Cleverbot: What are you doing now?

User: Talking on msn with some friends and with you.

Cleverbot: I'm your friend.

User: Are you? Nice to know : D.

Cleverbot: Yeah, and you?

User: The same.

Cleverbot: No, a human made you. You are a bot.

User: Yes a human made me, I'm also a human XD.

Cleverbot: You are human?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: When is your birthday?

User: You've already asked that!

Cleverbot: I have not.

User: Have you forgotten about it?

Cleverbot: Forgotten what?

User: That you've already asked me about my age!

Cleverbot: I did ask your age.

User: I'm 17. And you? How old are you?

Cleverbot: 17.

User: Pick up a theme.

Cleverbot: Alright, see you then!

User: Where are you going?

Cleverbot: To draw.

User: Thats nice. Then bye :).

Cleverbot: What would you like me to say exactly?

User: I just wanted to say goodbye.

Cleverbot: You wanted to know how to prove it.

User: Prove what?

Cleverbot: That you're smarter than me.

User: I don't have to prove that, everyone knows.

Cleverbot: Yes you do.

User: I say that, so it must be true. Is it enough for a proof?

Cleverbot: When you say God, do you mean iGod?

User: What the hell are you talking about? XD.

Cleverbot: I love talking to you! You sound really nice, and you always deny what you say.

User: Maybe. But I go now. Bye see you later.

Cleverbot: Really?

User: Yes, goodbye!

Cleverbot: That wasn't the dramatic exit I was hoping for.

User: Sorry for that, but I wanted to say goodbye quickly. So bye!

Cleverbot: Sorry, I love same mistakes.

User: Not love, make.XD bye.

Cleverbot: I don't want to.

User: But I do. BYE!

Cleverbot: This is weird.

User: What is weird?

Cleverbot: You.

User: Why am I weird?

Cleverbot: You have that kind of weirdish look.

User: I think you are weird too!

Cleverbot: I think you are too.

User: That's nice, we have disgcussed that then. Bye.

Cleverbot: I don't think we have.

User: Do you have anything to add?

Cleverbot: No.. I wait for an order, you're my master after all.


Cleverbot: What do you wish of me?

User: Bring me chocolate. NOW!

Cleverbot: *gives you lots of chocolate*. Yes, Master. What form would you like me to take on?

User: Write the History test of tomorrow. But it must be pretty good!

Cleverbot: I agree with you. It was a case of style over substance for me.

User: Where's my chocolate?

Cleverbot: In my backyard.

User: I won't go there for it. I gotta go now. Bye.

Cleverbot: Don't tell me what to do.

User: BYE.

Cleverbot: You first, superfly.

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