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Timii naplója

Maddie [70507 AL], gazdája Timii

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What's love? In math: a problem. In history: a war. In chemistry: a reaction. In art: a heart. In me.. it's you

Do you know why is the Moon so sad? Because she used to have a lover. His name way Kuekuatsu and they lived in the spirit world together. Every night they'd wander the skies together. But one of the other spirits was jealous, and wanted the Moon to himself. He said Kuekuatsu to came to our world for wild roses for the Moon. He came, but he didn't know that once you leave the spirit world, you can't go back. Every night he looks up in the sky, sees the Moon, howls her name. But.. he can never touch her again.."

Life can be so disappointing; maybe you reach the end of the rainbow but the gold have already stolen by goblins

Dancing is about feelings, not 1,2,3,4 and take one step. If I wanted to count, I would become an accountant, not a dancer

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