


TeveClub filmek

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Sacrimony adatlapja

Teve neve: Midnattsol / Sorszáma: [42230 AL]
A te tevéd még nem nagykorú (nem tette le a teveérettségit), úgyhogy még nem szavazhatsz mások adatlapjaira!

Legyél a haverom!

Ő egy lány,
magassága: 175 cm, súlya: 55 kg.

Születési idő: 1991-02-14 (34 éves)
Horoszkóp: vízöntő
Távolság a lakhelyedtől: Ismeretlen! (lépj be a tevédhez!)
Szeme színe: zöld
Haja színe: barna
A haja... hosszú
Stílusa: egyedi

Az adatlap közvetlen linkje: http://teveclub.hu/users/42230
Ez Ő!

Arch Enemy - The Eagle Flies Alone

When I was born the seed was sown
I will not obey, my life is my own
Battle rose, which do enslave me
Exposed lies that enrage me

I don't believe in heaven, I don't believe in hell
Never joined the herd, could not adjust well
Slave and master, it's not for me
I chose my own path, set myself free

I, I go my own way
I swim against the stream
Forever I will fight the powers that be

I, I go my own way
I swim against the stream
Forever I will fight the pοwers that be
The eagle flies alone

Reject the system that dictates the norm
This world is full of lies and deceit
I ask my own betrayal, cut so deep
Suffered defeat only to rise again

I, I go my own way
I swim against the stream
Forever I will fight the powers that be
I, I go my own way
I swim against the stream
Forever I will fight the powers that be
The eagle flies alone


I, I go my own way
I swim against the stream
Forever I will fight the powers that be
I, I go my own way
I swim against the stream
Forever I will fight the powers that be
The eagle flies alone

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