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Mr. really judge [86095 AL], gazdája Wildchild
Bolt Thrower - Those Once Loyal

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Bolt Thrower - Those Once Loyal

A Bolt Thrower a '91-es War Master ota gyakorlatilag valtozatlan brutalitast kinal minden albuman de nagyon magas szinvonalon prezentalva, es teljesen onallo stilusuk van, 2 hang utan ra lehet jonni h az osi gyilkologepet halljuk. A legendasan kemeny zene mellet a szovegek sem konnyu olvasnivalok, foleg h itt is kegyetlen brutalitast tolmacsolnak a sorok. A szovegek gyakori temaja a haboru, a fegyverek, a (zsoldos)katonak es meg a borzalom sokfele megnyilvanulasa. Rideg, embertelen kornyezet, megis ez teszi ertekke.
Amit ide berakok az a 2005-os album szovege.

1. At First Light

At first light

Deep within entrenchments
The orders are revealed
A final push impending
Encoded messages have been received

At first light
Fires of the enemy dead will burn bright
If in mourning they choose we die
Zero hour at first light

The waiting time is over
No final night before
Once more into action
Embrace the storm. Oncoming for all

At the edge
Now pledged... forever

Orders - unquestionable
All rank and file expendable

The frozen dawn emerges
Let the battle now commence
None surrendered through last night
Zero hour approaching

At first light
Fires of the enemy dead will burn bright
If in mourning they choose we die
Zero hour approaching

2. Entrenched

Devastated, through broken promises and lies
The scars lie deep now, burning from inside
Cut through broken promises and lies
Intense resentment now will thrive

Instinctively - as you feel the anger rise
As the pressure builds hatred fills the mind

Overpowering - gripped within the jaws of defeat
Under attack - no organized retreat
Trapped within the jaws of defeat
Won but lost - the misery complete

When least expected - with the element of surprise
Silent and swiftly - another taken life

Violated - breached are all defensive lines
The enemy has victory in sight

Within the moment
When all seems lost
In retaliation
Eradicate the past

In defeat triumphant
In the face of massed adversity
In a world of compromise
...Some don't.

3. The Killchain

Digitally mapped
Virtual scan reveals
Art of war
Technology adapts
Location confirmed unconcealed

Target code

World zone kill
In violent context set
Hostile status defined
Global network
Eliminates the threat
Enemy evaluation made

Zero rating
The life chances

Enemy evaluation rated


Projectile loose
Velocity impact
Designated target explodes
Icons confirmed
Casualties are stacked
Weapon control
Order - lock and load

Database of death
No chance of escape
Caught within the mainframe killchain

4. Granite Wall

Those that fell today shall be
In solemn sculpture cast
Always held in reverence
In memory of the past

Named in tribute forevermore
The colours carved on the granite wall

Folded flags awarded
In the line of duty fallen
Draped upon the coffin lid
The banner never taken
The regimental crest
That still flies high
No colours lost, the epitaph
Attempt to take them and you shall die

Named in tribute forevermore
The colours carved on the granite wall

Carved upon the granite wall

Mankind on the brink of extinction
Few now left alive - the human race denied

The tragic loss
Life cut short
This broken column
Names shall be
Carved in stone
Upon the granite wall

5. Those Once Loyal

Valiant in the midst of conflict
In memoriam honours distinctive
At half-mast the colours are raised
The tragic waste of life once gave

Immortalised plaque of remembrance
With reverence their names are listed
Glorified and in honour held
In commemorance of those that fell

To those once loyal now wreathed in crimson
Solemn reminder of silent sacrifice
To the once loyal forever wrapped in glory
In white crossed acres - lines of sorrow laid

To those once loyal now wreathed in crimson
Solemn reminder of silent sacrifice
To the once loyal forever wrapped in glory
In white crossed acres - lines of sorrow laid

Brave are the deeds
Of fallen victorious
Never forgotten
Lonely are the glorious

6. Anti-tank (Dead Armour)

Scattered on foreign fields
Lie the burnt out hulls of our dead armour
Old landscape wreckage
And this earth now scorched
Selfless acts of bravery
In the face of overwhelming force
Hold position - position held
Retained new glory sought

Shattered defenses now alone
Cover the tactical withdrawal
Outgunned, outnumbered
Though never outclassed

Spent the ammunition of faith
Weaponry exhausted
Now reduced in numbers
Numbers reduced
To the Last

Face to face with cold dead eyes

The final register of death
Crushed are the adversaries
The kill rate ratio rising
One hundred to one

Honours withheld in travesty
Presented falsely to another
With courage unspoken
All heroes die

7. Last Stand Of Humanity

There is no time for despair
Entering the void
Of your worst nightmares
As the spirit leaves
The body will decay
Watching as your life blood
Slowly slips away

In a second all turns black
Mind is numbed
With pain and torment
Alone the only witness
As you bleed
Departure of your soul
Will finally concede

In the last attack
Death no glory
Last stand of humanity

No way back
Death at the point of victory
Last stand of humanity

Pride at last
With new found hope
There still could be victory

8. Salvo

Out beyond the recon-point
Battle weary, nerves now frayed
One step closer to oblivion
Abandoned life the price to pay

The final sacrifice - ushered to the grave
There is no time to run or hide
No chance to pray

Mankind's legacy - past knowledge saved
Glory not given - respect is made

Stranded in no mans land
Water always tastes the same
Trapped within this shell hole
There is no shelter from the steel rain
Dead men again

Still unchallenged
Forging on
No respite
Until this war is won

Relentless barrage never ceasing
Artillery has found its range
Caught within the crossfire
There is no shelter from the steel rain
Dead men again

White-hot shrapnel fills the sky

Advancing ever onwards
Conditioned reflex feel no pain
At the point beyond insane
There is no shelter from the steel rain

There is no shelter from the steel rain
Dead men again

9. When Cannons Fade

When Cannons Fade

Into the eighth offensive
Frontline reformed
Artillery that never ceased
In overtures of war

...When cannons fade

Now the guns are silenced
End of hell storm
The final argument of kings
All earth transformed

...When cannons fade

As the silence grows
Steadily replacing
The resonance of thunder
Deep in the soul

Conscience still remains
Horror - amongst the flames
Ashes keep on falling

I close my eyes
And even now
The distant memory remains
Of the last laments
To be played

(When cannons fade)

10. A Symbol Of Eight

Entering - the dawn of a new era
Confused perspectives - there is nothing left to fear
All objectives - now rearranged
No principles - to enslave

Within the eye of chaos waits
Deep in your soul
Symbol of eight

From the ruins - past life of delusion
Out of darkness - destroy all false illusion
New reality - discovered with time
The death of history - under this sign

Within the eye of chaos waits
Deep in your soul
Symbol of eight

In a vast sea of contempt
There is almost nothing left
Of the world you once used to know
From the chaos, new strength to grow...
...New strength will grow

No gods
No king
With no country
In chaos ascending
Symbol of eight

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