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Pepperoni naplója

Monatella Beatrixe [168047 AL], gazdája Pepperoni

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Golden Glamour

She was sitting in the glamorous dressing room one leg crossing the other as she brushed her golden hair and talked to her friend beside her. The room was small, but the huge decorative mirrors hanging on the walls made it appear bigger. Photographs of New York City, and Jessica’s friends decorated the rose coloured walls. The little makeup boxes and sparkling jewellery holders were neatly organised on her white dressing table. “So what do you think John? How was the concert?” Jessica asked with a shy smile.
“You were amazing, I’ve always knew you had such a gracious voice, but tonight you have mesmerised me,” answered the gentleman and gave Jessica a long, capturing look.
She finished brushing her hair and stood up to get her coat. John helped her and asked, “Would it be ok if I lead you home tonight? The city is dangerous and I feel protective of you.”
“Of course, it would be a pleasure,” said the girl in a tender voice and felt her skin turn pink.
The tall, dark man turned the lights off, let Jessica use his arm as a support for walking, and they slowly made their way to the train station.
The night was chilly and misty. The air was seen as it brushed through the ground and gave an eerie illusion. The train station was surprisingly empty and dead quiet. The only voice they could hear was the mosquito’s humming and their own footsteps. They saw a bench against the gray brick walls and sat down on it. Jessica was too tired to talk after a busy night and John could understand that, so he just comforted her and let her rest on his broad shoulders. She was so calm and still, her breathing started to become deep and slow as she almost drifter into a dream when a loud scream shook her awake.
She suddenly opened her eyes wide and realised that the lights started to flicker. She was still curved onto John, who was looking around the area very cautiously. Then he quickly, but gently grabbed Jessica’s hand and told her “Follow me, trust me.”
They started to run along the long path of the train station that was poorly lit and only the exit signs and some flashing yellow shapes were seen. Jessica was breathing fast from adrenalin, but she really trusted her friend and tried to keep up as much as she could. She heard fast footsteps behind her coming closer and closer and finally she heard her own heart thumping extremely fast and loud. She was on the edge of fainting when a massive figure jumped in front of her and got out shiny, metal equipment. It was a gun and the man was trying to stick it to Jessica’s forehead, but John’s reflex caught it and shot the man instead. The bullet was loud and it made Jessica jump a little. The man collapsed on the floor when the light came back and let them discover his face. It was a fair haired man with a beard, wearing an elegant suit as if he was a secret agent. But his face made the richness disappear, because it reminded them of a dead dog while his body stayed still. Blood was pouring out of his mouth and his chest staining the ground in the colour of scarlet. His eyes were still moving around in a pulse rate rhythm, but after a few seconds it completely stopped and looked big and firm. Everything was silent they could only hear the blood flowing out of the human’s flesh.
From out of nowhere the police arrived, but they didn’t try to arrest John. It seemed that they know exactly what happened and now they were here to take care of the two of them. As a sign of fulfilment Jessica leaned into John’s arms and he held the girl with passion and protection. All he wanted is her to be safe, and by receiving the love from Jessica’s sparkling eyes he felt like he just lived through the happiest moments of his life.


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