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Miley Cyrus naplója

The Real Miley Cyrus [238806 AL], gazdája Miley Cyrus
Last 3 episodes! and YOUTUBE :)

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Last 3 episodes! and YOUTUBE :)

At the HM set! This morning was our 3rd to last episode! So crazy! Time flies!

This afternoon Emily and I laid out @ lunch time and fell asleep in the sun! After 5 years of working together I think its pretty cool we still WANT to hang out with each other on our free time!

In this scene Ems is supposed to be on her lap top so we were sitting on photo booth taking pics for her twitter! After a while the director realized I was there and was like “uhh Miley you’re not even in this scene!” Classic!

Anyway thank you guys for making the show what it is! We have a wonderful time working on it! Its so weird its coming to an end!
I made my own youtube account so I can upload more videos for yall! I will continue to do videos for Mworld but for some reason its not working on my computer right now! I’m gonna make my youtube account more for my older fans and then do constant updates for my younger fans on Mileyworld! My youtube account is Youtube/MCFORREALZZZ! I have uploaded any videos yet but I will soon! love you guys! Hope all is well! Xo

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