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Tefani [223272 AL], gazdája ^^

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Sometimes we just can see clear only after our eyes washed away with tears.....

Live for the moments you just can't put into words :)

Have you ever wondered which hurts the most: saying something and then wishing you hadn't or saying nothing and wishing you had ???

Feelings change, but memories don't! --

Being happy doesn't mean everything is totally perfect.....

t's hard to fake a smile when you feel like you fall apart ..:((

"Well, isn't it ironic? We ignore who adores us, adore who ignores us; love who hurts us and hurt who loves us.." <33

I can be nice only 1 person a day. And today isn't your day. -^_^

I'm not a perfect person, there's many thing I wish I didn't do...

Whenever you are lonely, remember this truth: someone, somewhere is thinking of you ...

Live life how you want & not how the others want you to!

Do you ever wonder if we make the moments in our life or if the moments make our life?

I've got two rules. First: I'm always right. Second: Just in case I'm wrong, follow rule number 1.

I'm too weird to live but too much rare to die

Don't walk in front of me, I won't follow you.
Don't walk behind me, I won't lead.
Walk beside me, and just be my friend! / Camus /

Good Boys are found in every corner of the Earth.. unfortunately, Earth is round!!

Everyone is here in the universe because he or she has a place to fill and every piece must fit itself into a big jigsaw puzzle!

Sometimes you need to move on if anything bad happens. It's gonna be a chapter in the past - but be careful, do not ever close the book! Just turn the page.

That's the ghost you've been running from.. the memory. I've been watching you, working day & night, so hard you barely have time to catch your breath. People do that for 3 reasons: either they crazy, or stupid, or trying to forget someone special…

Tears eventually fade and one day everything will be exactly how its supposed to be!

A secret is an aggregate which dissolves in alcohol!

Have you got enemies? Yes? That's good. It means you're a real personality, not just an irrelevant one of the crowd!

If your problem has a solution.. why worry about it? If your problem doesn't have solution.. then why worry about it? XD

People who don't know me think I'm quiet.. but those who know me wish I would shut up! :)

Sometimes the things we can't change changing us!

The choices you make today affect your tomorrow, so choose carefully, because you can't go back to yesterday to change it!!

People always say: when one door closes, an other one opens.

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