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Offspring - Hit That

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Offspring - Hit That

Who has the fortune
Don't pull the same
She had to get up
And make a change
She had a kid now
But much too young
Her baby daddy's
Out having fun

He said Now I'm on a roll
With all the girls I know
His baby mama
She ain't so slow
He said Now I'm on a roll
With all the girls I know
I know you wanna Hit That
I know you wanna Hit That, Hit That
All of the world
Is getting way past me
Consequences are a lost party
That's the way
That's the way things go

What was a family
Is now a shell
We're raising kids now
Who raise themselves
Sex is a weapon
It's like a drug
It gets around into that
Ground that he just dug

She said Now I'm on a run
I'm chasing guys for fun
Her baby daddy
Hey, he's only one
She said Now I'm on a run
I'm chasing guys for fun
I know you wanna Hit That
I know you wanna Hit That, Hit That
Hey everybody's getting way past me
Consequences are a lost party
That's the way
That's the way things go

Well, you'd better wise up
Broken up, really such a shame
Better wind up
Take a chance, everything's a game
And the good stuff
Broken up, nothing's gonna change

The more he's trying
The more he's buying

He said Now I'm on a roll
With all the girls I know
His baby mama
Don't need know
He said Now I'm on a roll
With all the girls I know
I know you wanna Hit That
I know you wanna Hit That, Hit That
All of the world
Is getting way past me
Consequences are a lost party
That's the way
That's the way things go

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