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Decembers Lyrics
Artist(Band):Hawthorne Heights
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Let's try to remember these days back in December.
Our lives were very different, I was lonely when we first met.
A small upstairs apartment, driving through the darkness
To get back home before they knew you were even gone.

You don't have to speak because I can hear your heartbeat.
Fluttering like butterflies searching for a DRINK.
You don't have to cover up how you feel when you're in love.
I always know I'm not enough to even make you think.

Please slow down girl.
We're moving way too fast for their world.
We've gotta make this last.

I miss you so much, a self inflicted coma
The days drag on like marathons,
I'm running with barefeet.
And when I feel the stress, I'm lonely and depressed
I picture you in the dress
You wore four weeks ago.

You don't have to speak because I can hear your heartbeat.
Fluttering like butterflies searching for a DRINK.
You don't have to cover up how you feel when you're in love.
I always know I'm not enough to even make you think.

Please slow down girl.
We're moving way too fast for their world.
We've gotta make this last.
I know it hurts to feel so all alone.
I'm by myself, more than you could know.

If only they were all alone.
They were all alone.

Please slow down girl.
We're moving way too fast for their world.
We've gotta make this last.

Slow down girl.
We're moving way too fast for their world.
We've gotta make this last.
I know it hurts to feel so all alone.
I'm by myself, more than you could know.

If only they were all alone.
They were all alone.
They were all alone.
They were all alone.


gondolkoztál már azon mikor nagyon bántott valamih
h. francbah bár másképp tettem volnah és akkor talán minden másképp lenneh most és nem lennél enniyreh xarul
perszeh biztosan
és olyankor átfutott az agyadon az a talán, nem is olyan biztos. és az a talán nem is oylan biztosh h. jobb.
talán rosszabb...
és mikor vissza gondoltál érezted azt a szivbeh markoló érzést h. ezt elbasztam deh
ha vissza csinálhatnám sem tennék másképp ?

nah biztosan én is ezen izélek h. h. lett volnah jobb

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