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Rhett Butler naplója

Rhett Butler [320010 AL], gazdája Rhett Butler
2013-07-10 Dimension

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2013-07-10 Dimension

Ma tettem egy kis lépést, noha ugyan úgy csak ülök reggel magam elé bámulva. Nem volt rossz a mai nap. És lassan ismét a agyam is visszarezdül az eddig megszokott rendbe. Egy váratlan esemény és hirtelen minden szürkének tűnik. Jó lenne alkotni valami nehezet.

Whien I was younger, I had to look around every corner to see if any of my former classmates were there. I was so fucked up about he fact that I might meet them, that I evaded like 40% of the town. Even with that, every once in a while I met those sons of bitches, and I just stood there, and I immediately got back to being that fucked of 14 years old who they fucked with all the time. I couldn't do shit about it, whenever those guys apperad, I became a sad little ashole. So I eventualy figured out that they can't know shit about me. So what I did was I made up fake stories about myself, so when those assholes would appear I could tell them shit like: "what, this stain? Me and four guys went down to Balaton and had stroh rum shots, long story short some asshole burned it." I never got around to tell any of it when I met them, but they did make for a nice character.

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