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Rhett Butler naplója

Rhett Butler [320010 AL], gazdája Rhett Butler
2017-05-14 Nem Érdekel

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2017-05-14 Nem Érdekel

With every passing day, i kept telling myself: Someday I will find someone. But after a certain point, I began to doubt that belief. Maybe I won't find anyone. Maybe I'm destined to be alone. Maybe I'll be frever reminded, and someday I'll just die alone.

But maybe I don't mind it. Maybe I'll learn to find happiness in solitude.

Maybe the world will end
And I won't have to be
So alone anymore.
2017.05.13. 12:00 Sátor egy tuccos csomagra írva

Ever felt like the world can't be destroyed? That even though you want all this to end, it just won't? That no matter how lost you feel, you can never get a fresh start.
(A borospohár oldalára írva, jobb felület híján.)

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