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Rhett Butler naplója

Rhett Butler [320010 AL], gazdája Rhett Butler
2016-11-21 Cretin Hop

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2016-11-21 Cretin Hop

No one ever wants to see you being weird, and you're already weird just by existing. So you put this in your phone because people would look at you weird if you wrote it otherwise. Assimilate or die, they follow their rules and fuck those who won't succumb. Black ravens hunt and kill white ones, being different angers those that aren't. We all want to be special snowflakes but we have to cling to being snowflakes. My point is that we want to be special but our idea of special is defined by strict rules. We cling to having small details that makes us unique because the thought that rarity can't be acquired scares us beyond cognition. We spend so much time dreaming about the illusion of our rarity that we forget to realise that being special sucks. Being special means standing out. And that seems nice from inside the group, where it forever remains a dream but when you're crawling up in a closet because you can't handle the LACK of anxiety, you sure as shit don't like being special.
People can stand all day and some can sit to stand out but there are those who sit for their own reason. Let's all laugh and pretend we're okay because not being okay is a fashion statement without meaning and those who have pain are already lost. Damn this feels nice. Empty ramblings and mighty words with the sole purpose of entertainment

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