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Rhett Butler naplója

Rhett Butler [320010 AL], gazdája Rhett Butler
2013-11-23 Dreaming

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2013-11-23 Dreaming

Boldog vagyok. Annyi idő eltelt amióta tényleg, őszintén elírhattam ezt. Persze elmúlhat, de próbálok nem erre gondolni. De ez a pillanat... ez a pillanat jó. A Good will hunting jut eszembe:

So wait a minute. The Red Sox haven't
won a World Series since nineteen
eighteen, you slept out for tickets,
games gonna start in twenty minutes,
in walks a girl you never seen before,
and you give your ticket away?

You should have seen this girl. She
lit up the room.

I don't care if Helen of Troy walked
into that bar! That's game six of
the World Series!

Sean smiles.

And what kind of friends are these?
They let you get away with that?

I just slid my ticket across the
table and said "sorry fellas, I gotta
go see about a girl."

"I gotta go see about a girl"? What
did they say?

They could see that I meant it.

You're kiddin' me.

No Will, I'm not kiddin' you. If I
had gone to see that game I'd be in
here talkin' abouta girl I saw at a
bar twenty years ago. And how I always
regretted not goin' over there and
talkin' to her. I don't regret the
eighteen years we were married. I
don't regret givin' up counseling
for six years when she got sick. I
don't regret being by her side for
the last two years when things got
real bad. And I sure as Hell don't
regret missing that damn game.

Nagyon sokat jelentett ez a koncert. És jól érezném magam, mert fogalmam se lenne, hogy ezt hagyom ki. És most kihagyom. És most boldog vagyok.

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