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ánya [100462 AL], gazdája V.u
hűűhaa dájóóattamindenitxD

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hűűhaa dájóóattamindenitxD

chaten a 14-15-16 UNATKOZÓK:) szobába vagyunk.. ááhh naon lool xD
nemrég írtam a naplómba h ott milyen jó volt régen.. most ezértse részletezem xDD most fennvan xem,freniim,karám:) nemsokára lesz karibuli loolxDDDD
nah ennyi-.-xD

ezis szokásomhoz híven naon értelmesre sikeredett xDDDD

..hétfőn edzés,,:O a nagyoknál:SS:((( :OOO :@@....

sálálálá xDDD nyumiiiiiiiáááá xDD <3
Relient K - "sadie Hawkins Dance" Lyrics

All the girls in the bathroom talkin'
Who they gonna take to the Sadie Hawkins?
My ears are burning, but I kept on walking
A smile on my face, and an air guitar rocking.

The Sadie Hawkins Dance, in my Khaki pants
There's nothing better.
The girls ask the guys, it's always a surprise.
There's nothing better. Baby, do you like my sweater?

Sitting in the back of my next class napping,
Gotta give a speach, then bow to the clapping.
Told a funny joke, got the whole class laughing,
I think I got a tan, from the Language Arts basking.


Scan the cafeteria for some good seating.
I found a good spot by the cheerleaders, eating.
The quarterback asked me if I'd like a beating.
I said "That's one thing I won't be needing!"

And since I'm rather smart and cunning,
I took off down the next hall, running.
Only to get stopped by a girl so stunning,
Only to get stopped by a girl so stunning.

She said "You're smooth, and good with talking.
"You'll go with me, to the Sadie Hawkins?"

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